Kenneth Hanson

About Me

I’m a PhD student in the Department of Linguistics at Stony Brook University (entered 2020). My research focuses on syntax, computational linguistics, and Japanese linguistics. My advisor is Thomas Graf.

I received a BA from Michigan State University in 2014, where I majored in linguistics and Japanese, with a minor in computer science. After graduating, I worked for four years as an assistant English teacher in Japan through the JET Programme. I’ve also created some free Japanese language education materials.

Some other interests of mine include: music (piano, marimba, music theory), physics & astronomy, operating systems, typography, cognitive psychology, and European history.


Email me at my first initial + last name + six seven nine at gmail dot com.

What’s new?





Earlier Presentations


Professional Employment

2014–2018 Assistant English Teacher JET Programme

University Teaching Assistantships

Stony Brook University

Fall 2023 LIN 655 Doing Subregular Linguistics Co-taught w/ Thomas Graf
Spring 2023 LIN 311 Syntax Supervisor: Andrei Antonenko
Spring 2021 LIN 101 Human Language Supervisor: Mark Aronoff
Fall 2020 LIN 120 Language & Technology Supervisor: Kalina Kostyszyn

Michigan State University

2012Sp, 2013Sp/Fa CSE 232 Introduction to Programming II Supervisor: Mark McCullen


2023 Lead instructor for SYCCL
2021–2022 Assistant instructor for SYCCL
2021–2023 Volunteer instructor for SBU NACLO Practice Session

Departmental Service

Other Activities

Awards and Honors


Funded Awards

Other Awards

(c) Kenneth Hanson | Built with Jekyll and Bootstrap | Page last updated on 2024-04-09